Top 10 Trends for Interior Design in 2016

Edison bulbs add a vintage look to any space.

Edison bulbs add a vintage look to any space.

If you’ve read my blog before, you know I’m not married to the concept of trends or “what’s hot now.” I’m a big believer in doing what you love and creating a style that feels like you.
That said, I’m still a designer – so I LOVE keeping up with the evolution of style. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I couldn’t recognize the trend du jour.
Sometimes I adore the “now” style – looking at you zinc tops – and sometimes I’m a little indifferent.

So love it or leave it, here’s my take on the top 10 hot trends for interior design in 2016.

9 Upholstered

Upholstery on accent tables, buffets and even table bases.

  1. Zinc tops – the new granite. I’ve seen zinc tops on buffets, cocktail tables, dining room tables, you name it.
  2. Upholstery in unexpected places. No, upholstery is not new. But we’re talking upholstery in places you’ve never seen it! Upholstery on accent tables, buffets and even table bases.
  3. Decorative hardware. Decor is all in the details and hardware can make a huge statement, especially on the back of chairs.
  4. Gray finishes. Gray is the new beige and it is everywhere and on everything!
  5. Navy blue. This timeless color is making a bold statement in furniture and walls.
    Navy blue. This timeless color is making a bold statement in furniture and walls.

    Navy blue. This timeless color is making a bold statement in furniture and walls.

  6. Simple florals. The days have passed where busy florals were the style. Now it is one type of flower, or even just one single flower or branch in a big vase in the center of a table. It’s all about simple focal pieces.
  7. Edison bulbs. These vintage-style bulbs are everywhere!
  8. Hidden functions. Maybe it’s the new fascination with small spaces, but suddenly I’m seeing accent pieces with hidden functions. Nightstands that slide open to reveal a jewelry drawer or a secret charging station.
  9. Minerals. Rock-pink crystals, gems, rocks and minerals are being used on light fixtures, lamps and accessories.
  10. Accent wall. It’s no longer just about painting one wall a different color. Now you can add an upholstered wall behind your bed, lattice work in your dining rooms, or durarock as a faux finish.